EXPO characteristic curve for 3 servo functions, two-level system for any model in 6 flight phases, programmable and switchable. Using and ingenious polynomial approximation process the CPU calculates the ideal rounded mixer curve Grapner curve. Fly all my models mode 1 but will test a mode 2 for some one.Add a Poll to this Thread. Transmitter Graupner MC24 – RCU ForumsI also have a buddy cord attachment and a cord to copy from one transmitter to the other. Last edited by Highflight; Mar 04, at BUT and this is a big BUT, I am not the master of this unit because I still cannot figure out when and or why for instance you would use a mix channel only. Its vesatile and solid nc24 will fulfill virtually any request but perhaps it helps to speak German to start with.Great setwhen you figure out how to get the best from it. Best transmitter I’ve ever owned.
Also I called Futuba and they deny that a 12z is even in the product development stages.Find More Posts by Darryl Usher. Hi, I have a MX and it’s great.
Transmitter module mx-22/24 / mc-24This is totally multiplexed, no it’s not the PCM9, this one is made by JR for Graupner to run on a microprocessor and it’s fully upgradable, like the MC24, but you have to send it to Graupner for upgrades. From what I have seen, the grauppner difference would be the battery capacity.There is barely a mention of what the MC24 can do. I had a long think with myself for about 2 mins and dumped it. What matters to your hands is not how wide the case is, but how far in from the edge the sticks have been placed, because thats the distance that your thumb has to cover.
Find More Posts by lov2flyrc. Programming manual,MC-24Can anybody out there tell me basic differences beween the Mc22 vs Mc24 as far as the stock units?
The software installed is the same as in the MC24, plus a few upgrades.Thank mc4 Harry, a much better description and more accurate than mine. Giving Multiplex a real advantage in the market. The tray type TXs do not fit a thumb pilot, you need to fly with the sticks between thumb and index finger.The Profi has never had a recall to the factory. The advert concentrates on useless glitter like the speed of the processor graupnef is of no matter or use to anyone. Helicopter swashplate mixers for 1, 2, 3 and 4-point linkages. I’ve had every TX that,s out there and this is the best one ever, extremely easy and user friendly.This has something to do with the compression needed to squeeze 12 channels into the bandwidth available Harry knows more.